Here I am, merrily tapping away on the keyboard sorting out referrals for haemorrhoids, prolapses & pustular lesions when a colleague suddenly blurts out loudly "Oh God, I just want a vaginal repair..."
Keith blushes & makes a rapid exit. The junior hides behind her fringe & thinks "Ugh, older women - too much information".
Bless her - she was clinical coding & simply wanted to find the basic code for a vaginal repair without any 'extras'.
A little like me walking into out admin department last week to setup a computer, I had already prepared the desk by putting a hole for the cables through the floor between the two desks so they all can be hidden underfloor.
on walking through the door I was asked where I was planning to run the cables, so I announced to the admin office in a loud voice "I'm going to put them in the hole between the legs"
No rinkins - Keith is my able-ish new-ish assistant. He is slowly getting used to my ways, tries not to look when I scratch my nipples with gusto & leaves the room whenever the conversation gets 'too much'. Which is often.