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Can anyone top this?

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WiseOldSage | 20:34 Wed 10th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Worst week ever
Suspended from work Friday by my father
Poked husband in eye in play fight on Sunday and had to take him to casualty
Disciplinary hearing today with father from hell
I need booze


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Yes , but I won't bore you with the details xx
hey're you doing girl....
Hello craft honey , thank you for asking . I'm on another new tab , rotten side effects to get for just 10% more muscle movement . xx
''Poked husband in eye in play fight''

ffs... he has another eye doesn't he... tell him to stop moaning...
What did you do on Saturday then????

Yes well.... I broke my husbands rib play fighting..this was 6 weeks after he broke a rib at Alton Towers. Doctor offered to put him on "at risk " register .
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I took him to casualty and the nurse asked to see me to tell me off :o) I'm not sure she believed me because he has a black belt LOL I took a triangular shape out of his cornea!!!! Ouch!
Poor old stick...well poor old sticks both of you. Hope things improve.
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Has anyone else been sacked by a parent? I can't believe my luck with my two!

Sympathy all around.

Pretty tame life down here, comparatively................altho, looking back..........Nah, too long ago to even think about!

Hope things improve around.

Hi BigMamma, will look you up elsewhere, xx
''Poked husband in eye in play fight''

ffs... he has another eye doesn't he... tell him to stop moaning... <i\>

lol snags.
:-( bigmamma.

Did booze ease the pain wos? (bytheway, I thought you were male).
Forgot to get rid of the italics - not very good at this messing around with fonts.

The last time I was good in a font was at my christening.

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