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beastmonkey | 11:01 Wed 10th Jun 2009 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
I am getting married next year and wish to have a particularly nice red wine on my top table.

any suggestions for me, I don't want to spend more than �100 a bottle, but even if you can recommend a bottle you like for say �20, i would give it a go.

i appreciate wine is to personal taste, so i would be trying the suggestions before the wedding



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What kind of wines do you like? Dry? sweet?heavy? light? fruity? lots of tanin?
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i like quite a fruity/heavy red, i must say one of the best wines i ever tasted was at a friends house, raided from her fathers cellar, as i drank it my mouth exploded with a real fruity burst. I wrote down the wine and remember looking it up, it was around �40 a bottle, sadly I lost the name.
As I live in France I tend to drink french wines. A lovely, quite heavy but lovely fruity wine is Beaujolais Villages, 2006 was a good year. HTH
Hi Beastmonkey,

See if theres any here that may tickle your fancy :D and since it's such a special occasion... maybe give them a call and see if they can organise a taster session for you.

I do like a Margaux myself and wouldn't hesitate to recommend. GBP®ion_code_F=900&first_product_F=11


chateau margaux is excellent
Lindermans merlot is very nice but its even under �10 per bottle

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