I was glad they voted Mark off, he was a cocky so and so. I just wish I'd seen it but I missed that episode. I was also disappointed that Katy got immunity today as I think she's a spoilt lazy brat.
True cazzz but I don't think they should have changed the formate and split them into teams. I've been disappointed that it all seems based on the exercise and we haven't seen anything really to do with their diet and what they are all eating.
I know what you mean jan, we occasionally see snippets of them preparing meals, its not enough really, I dont like the black and blue team thing wither, I suppose there were too many halves of pairs dropping out
Actually I was sorry to see Mark go..he was working his socks & the Lb's off.
Sicknote should've been dropping the pounds off, his Dad put him to shame (great guy)
And as for Katey.... Does she do anything except whinge ?
I too was disappointed she got immunity today....totally undeserved.
Shame Lisa didn't get the chance she deserved right
from the beginning. I think she would've stood a great chance of winning