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Male Bonding

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China Doll | 13:31 Fri 12th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Awwww.... I'm sitting here watching two of my docs stroking pulling at each others tummys to see how much fat they both had. One is very sweetly advsing how to...
Oh bum, ruined! They've noticed I'm watching and now they're on to whether they would sh@g Paris Hilton... My boys, the intellectual elite!


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awwww how sweet, i bet your so proud
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Bless... Now it's the beautiful girls in Day Surgery, apparently there used to be two.

Is it home time yet? I'm very much in Friday mode.
nope still got 4.5 hours so go grrrrrrrr, oh and then i'm working at the pub, oh the joy i can hardley wait.......
Ere...China!!! I've been ignored by better folk than you, ya know!! Check yr PMs in the other place ;-) xx
Question Author
Me?! How so? I'm a virtual panda these days dear.

Fluffy - I was so proud when they were being sweet and nice to each other and making up, (they had an argument earlier in which there was much huffing and puffing and eyes raised to me... big girls).
Question Author
Baths my sweetness! My home internet still being bad, I've seen your email but can't reply on the dark side as I can't access FB at work... I'm sorry lovely. (I can access my hotmails, do you know how to copy and paste? Hint Hint)
yep, out now but leave it with me....catch ya later ;) xxxxx
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See ya on the flip side angel! xx
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Oh aye, does she like coffee too? Or Frappys? What you taking her to do?
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Sounds cool pumpkin, the science museum is pretty good (lots of buttons) and the british museum generally gets good reviews. The Imperial War musuem sucks balls though last time I went, (about fifteen years ago!). Aquarium shark walk blows but it does have giant turtles, I prefer the sea horses myself.

Anyhow, let me know if you're up for coffee, otherwise, I'll catch you another time.
the imperial war museum sounds like a girl i knew in sixth form. for 50p and a bag of monster munch anyway.
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Monster munch are a highly valued snack!
i know i know, don't know why she demanded 50p was well. maybe it was for a toothpick.
Question Author
What a pretty mental image that is....
well to be honest she wasn�t really. 50p was probably about fair but the monster munch was definitely not value for money.

anyway enough of yo jabberin�. me and the boys are going down to accounts to admire gavins new shoes and see what else he bought whilst out shopping.

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