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cars parked on the pavement

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gina32 | 17:21 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
why do some peole find it necessary to park there car on the pavement right outside there door rather than drive a few feet down the right. its a danger to people if they have to go on the road to get past and also illegal, some peole are so inconsiderate!!!


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Parking a few feet further down the road so you have to walk a greater distance to your house...what kind of nonsense is that? You're just not living in the real world gina. Do you drive?
God knows but I usually find it necessary to push their wing mirrors in, it's my own little protest, it happens a lot where i live.
didnt realise you lived near me gina! lol

car park on ma nut? i no undostand?
Whats a 'peole'?

It sounds rude.

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i just had a row with some one about it, the excuses he gave for his daughter parking right on the pavement where you couldnt even squeeze by were, shes just passed her test, no yellow lines, everybody does it, i could walk round, shes studying and if she didnt park in the road other cars would have to go round hers!!!!!
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sorry if she parked on the road, not if she didnt
can you answer that again please and include punctuation?
I didn't understand a word of it.
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there was, try putting your glasses on
Parking on the pavement is just asking for somebody to do something nasty to your car!
Hey!! There's no need to fight just because your names sound the same. There's plenty of room for many more ina's here.
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i will next time, right down the side witht he pushchair bet they move it then

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cars parked on the pavement

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