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lindylou16 | 16:50 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Which is the cheapest for Food


Answers on a postcard please.


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Where do I send the postcard?
All the meat in tescos tastes the same and nothing like chicken... It's very odd.
are postcards cheaper fom Asda or Tesco?
depends what you are buying and whats on offer.
Our local Asda is awful - ChavLand. And the non-Chavs are all Eastern European or Portugese. And rude.

Tesco rules around here - a much better class of clientele.
I tend to find the crap that I buy from ASDA in the tacky green and white packaging is cheaper than Tesco's own brand.
I think they're much of a muchness, but I would say Tesco is better quality.

Is there a prize for the best answer? If so, I'll try and come up with better ones.

Me?...Harrod's actually.
I've started shopping in Marks and Spencer. I have delusions of adequacy.
Afternoon, lindylou x

Which country do youi want the postcard sent from?


I haven't got an ASDA it is Tesco or Sainsburys....The Tesco is a nasty little city-centre one-full of uni students. The Sainsburys is also full of students.....but it is competitive...and nicer. And yes....there is also ALDI.
Aldi's great. It's where I go towards the end of the month when I've blown most of my shopping budget at Waitrose and M&S.

I have expensive tastes and I aint dropping me standards for nobody....
''I have expensive tastes and I aint dropping me standards for nobody''

You could sneak into LIDL when it is dark and no one is looking...
wich have cheap nut?
Asda may be cheap! but it is quality that counts!
How the f would you know ?
aldi is more expensive than you think, I have found asda to be cheapest although tesco sells some things that asda does not, the most expensive I have found is sainsburys then tesco, aldi and asda

I dont shop at morrisons
Question Author
ASDA Who cares about the price when i get my ars.e smacked for free

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