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Fond Memories

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lindylou16 | 22:36 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
When I was a toddler, my parents would always say, "Excuse my French" just after a swear word.

I'll never forget the first day at school when my teacher asked if any of us knew any French.


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Why did you all go to school on bikes wearing berets,striped jumpers with strings of onions around your necks?
Boaters ... not berets.

And no onions.
I had to wear a bowler hat at my secondary school!!!

It was a job getting it on over my afro!!!!
A bowler hat ?

Sounds like this sites infested with posh stuck up toffs! Wheres my folk from "the streets" At?
Aww, GreaseTaker ... don't say that.

We had no control over the schools to which we were dispatched.

Have we behaved in a "stuck up" way towards you?

We're nice, really!
What's a school?
It's the collective noun for a group of whales.
Have we behaved in a "stuck up" way towards you?

Yes i have been given the snooty,"we'll look down our noses at this newcomer with contempt" treatment since ive been here as many newcomers that are not in the exclusive "inner circle"as many of us have ....................
btw ...

Those striped tops are called "Bretons"

And they're probably hoops, rather than stripes, because they go round, not vertically.
Sorry ...

Did I interrupt ?
Me to GT. Thats why I'm a troll.
While running for a bus in Sheffield, I slipped and broke my wrist. Unsurprisingly I let out a 4-letter word, as I landed in a heap among a group of shoppers. Climbing to my feet, I asked them to 'Excuse my French'.

The following day, one of my pupils said to me "Sir, my Mum says she will excuse your French!".

There are half a million people in Sheffield, so why was it that, when I swore for the first time in several years, I had to do it in front of a parent who'd entrusted me to teach her son some decent manners? ;-)
LOL! I hear you noway!
excuse my french's called s0ds law....
LOL @ Craft

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