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Lady in Red?

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anotheoldgit | 17:18 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | News
9 Answers 0/Muslim-cocktail-waitress-gets-3-000-sexual-h arassment-bar-ordered-wear-indecent-dress.html

In these compensation mad days, shouldn't employers think twice before employing certain workers in their companies.

Perhaps they should ask certain searching questions before employing them? But then they can't can they? because they would be breaching the numerous discrimination laws.

Incidentally she looks quite happy wearing the said dress.


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She made a claim for harassment and hurt feelings.

She lost the claim.

Try reading past the misleading headline.
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How dare a fellow Daily Mail reader accuse the paper of printing misleading headlines.

She did win a �3,000 pay out (fact), not including how much it most likely cost the taxpayer in legal fees.

Nothing misleading in that.
The headline says she won �3000 compensation for wearing an indecent dress.

She didn't, that claim was dismissed. The 3 grand was for loss of earnings
That dress looked quite respectable to me.
I would hardly call that dress 'indecent'. She is showing more flesh in her Facebook picture.
Why didn`t she turn the job down if she thought the dress was so disgusting?..she looked happy enough to have her photo taken in it

Good job she`s not a prostitute, she`d take ages to earn �3,000
Why was a Muslim, a religion that forbids the consumption of alcohol, working in a bar in the first place. Surely her upbringing would have found that as offensive as being ordered to wear the revealing dress. It seems more an attempt to wrangle some money than a genuine complaint and I'm glad the courts only compensated her for loss of earnings.
We definately live in a compensation culture where anyone is on the look out to sue someone.

Actually, I'm offended by this thread, where's my lawer....

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