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You have been slayed

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DemonSlayer | 21:45 Wed 17th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
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chimpy's the good guy dot
Wed 17/06/09
21:04 Question Author

Give them a gun each and tell them to fire at will at the nasty old bat next door and I am sure that their football mad dad will talk you to death if the kids don't get you first.

lol knobby, give it up, how many times have you made nasty comments about the neighbour who bores me with footie talk being made up lol grow up you're losing it
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Well hawkes you have accused knobby on here as being a troll for about the past 3-4 months now.

So it is payback time for you now.

Get my drift?

sorry dot...I don't need to catch's the site that's too bloody slow posting...
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Noway dabees
Is DemonSlayer knobby?

It is almost too hard to believe. Ask him something about bald women, that'll sort him out.
i think people are just mixing the chimp up with knobby;'s demon slayer, i'm not, i am quite quite clear about it, what i am not clear on is who knobby was supposed to be when he posted the erroneous reply as demonslayer, , i'm not dwelling on it and i know the ed will ban demonslayer later now it is clear who it is
Try throwing a banana and see who comes up to the bars.
lol don't feed the animals
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You have tried and failed and you will ALWAYS FAIL HAWKES
errrrr what have i failed at knobby? Did I fail at spotting you pretending to be an anonymous friendly greenie? Nope, well, i only spotted it when you failed miserably to carry it off for more than a nanno second lol drelb
Question Author
Wed 17/06/09

errr yes craft, but i told demonslayer aka knobby to sod off, not the chimp, you catch up in your own time craft lol

Well the chimp was soon gone.

Yet another of your troll mates.

But I am still here now how do you figure that one out then oh great one?
lol maybe you used your several grey ids to report the chimp eh? i'm not as green as you are troll looking the knows

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