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what ever happened about the leaked email address list

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iamworriedto | 23:31 Wed 17th Jun 2009 | Site Suggestions
17 Answers
how come all our posts got wiped and no explanation??


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i could tell you but i would have to kill you (in a none threatening way of course)
go on dot.....use the shoe horn girl.....
Go on Dot put us out of our misery !
lmfao at cfart

you done whooooped her assss

worried I hope you are aware that dot is the AB mercenary....she's a bu88er with a shoe horn and some cillit bang.....
Some what bang?
no panic not....CLIT bang....CILLIT bang..

Minds in the gutter
Panic....I've now got a terrible picture in my mind of ....
Is this IAMWORRIED.......or is it pink's friend.......iamworriedto.......or someone else entirely??????
oh it's pinks friend, not the 'real' iamworried lol
it's pink's friend isn't it?
mmmmm....that's what I thought...kept looking at it and thinking something did not look quite
have txted her to see no answer yet so could be. was there any more from ed about this anyway??
nothing pink......the thread's just they do here-lol
typical oh and ta for recipe pasta am cooking it the weekend
lol long time since dot had a clit bang cfart

ooooooooooooooooooooooh la la la la

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what ever happened about the leaked email address list

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