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dot.haukes | 23:30 Thu 18th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
threads are disapearing and being banned by the editor tonight.

Where was he last night? TUT


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yes dot

whats been banned like?
Question Author
oh mine aren;t banned, that latest one by No knowledge is zapped! makes no sense though i can only read the title. why would it be zapped so quick? It's a proper editorial ban cos the page goes to the AB screen when you click on it
I am newish to AB how/why do you get "banned"
yes I tried to click on that and could'nt.....perhaps 'cos it mentioned nudity in the title....
I am brand new i have been asked loads of questions
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well i am referring to threads being removed, by the editor, as in the one below from no knowledge, can't tell you why it's not viewable, unless i am missing something subtle about it it does seem quite fine!! Soz brucie can't tell you more lol
welll im ok

Oh I only just noticed it was missing
i`m o.k as well,we might be temping fate here leggy!

but then one does`nt have to be insulting or rude to get a point
Well there is something fishy going on because I can't read the thread but No Know keeps managing to post on it!
khoey i think you want me


ya tart
Question Author
you're right Barmaid, it's a bit wierd, never known that happen before
bramaid thers only 2 answres on it
its been zappped by the ed
But the two answers have been posted AFTER it was zapped leg! I tried to look at it as soon as it was posted and I got the "redirect" page - since then No Know has posted twice.
ummmm leggy if it boosts your ego i`ll let you presume what ever.

actually i like to think of myself as raspberry

just bring your knee pads

or i will supply a cushion

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