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"Birmingham City Win Champions League!"

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NoMercy | 15:39 Sun 21st Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
As if !!

Type the headline you would LOVE to see ......



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Good afternoon batwoman
Knobby is batting for the other side now nomerc
Question Author
Hello you !! lol

So what headline would you like to see?
Arsenal win the world cup and knobby wins 100 million squids on the euro lottery
half-wit wins big-bro.
well Noway...they've more chance of winning something than Arsenal.....
Question Author
Wouldn't we all love to have a huge Euromillions win, Knobby !!

I take it that Half-wit is your favourite contestant, Miss-Noway? !!

I would also love to see the Headline:

"Madeleine McCann Found Alive"
Hello everybody peeps.

The headline that I would like to see is.

The ed has made a blog on answerbank
Croydon gets a Facelift.
Question Author
Miss-Print ...

That would probably make the front pages all around the world !!

Tiggs - you never know, it may happen one day ! ;-)
Hello everybody I'm back.

Have you missed me?

God just how many miss names have you got then noway?
Question Author
C'mon guys.... I've had a bit of an emotional day for various reasons, and I've come on here to have a laugh, try to make a good thread, and take my mind off things. Let's have some good "headlines" !!! x

"Hereford Woman Scoops �35m on Euro!" Lol
Hope springs eternal as they say NM. I think its too late unless all the nasty, selfish and ignorant people move away from my area.
"Garth Brooks announces latest tour kicks off in Wigan!"
Question Author
So I take it that Croyden needs to sift out a few bad 'uns then, Tiggs...

Would you be throwing any underwear then, Dot? ;-)

read all about it, read all about it.

Batman has a gay affair with robin
i'd be too busy trying to get in his dressing room lol

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"Birmingham City Win Champions League!"

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