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Jackson fan threatens AB user

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No,Knowledge | 01:25 Fri 26th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Fri 26/06/09
00:15 Noknowledge you don't know me and Jackson was never found guilty.
You however are a w@nker and the evidence is there for all to see.
If you've got the nuts to say I respect paedoes to my face name the time and place.



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nk, wake me up if it kicks off. I'll be in your corner x
Why have you edited the username? fear?
Question Author
i think he is 'off the wall' Rollo

grief does strange things to people.
Fri 26/06/09
Noknowledge you don't know me and Jackson was never found guilty.
You however are a w@nker and the evidence is there for all to see.
If you've got the nuts to say I respect paedoes to my face name the time and place.

Its about time someone smashed your face nono!
Question Author
Don't worry i still have the windows boarded up from when St dork was coming to get me sara.
A flame war? On the internet? Don't see that every day.
Question Author
ok newsd*ck
Say the word, no-know.

And, ♫ I'll be there ♫ to help you out.

So asking you to say it to my face is a threat?
I'd say it was just to see if you were able to make accusations without hiding behind pixels.
Off to bed now,let me know if you want to say it to my face.
in the words of MJ...I'll be there.
Question Author
your making the threats big boy
come to Doncaster.

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Jackson fan threatens AB user

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