FRIED BREAKFASTS> I do and i want one now, so I'm going into the kitchen for a look round, And anything that can be fried, will be, Even the fruit bowl is fair game today,I'm so bl00dy hungry, I could a horse,
No fried bread, that's over kill. And you shouldn't really need red sauce if you have baked beans... If I add then I quite like the mushrooms to be fried with garlic, am I going to sound like a tit?
Now you've just turned a very macho breakfast into something fruity.
Umm,i like plum peeled tomatos under the grill with some salt and pepper on,but eating cold tommys out of a can sprinkled with sugar sound like something a tramp would do! (do i have to eat it in a cardboard box and wearing ripped clothes for added authenticity?