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Kitty Cats

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Coffeeman7 | 10:41 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
How do cats know they cute and can manipulate us? :-)


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maybe because you watch them all the time, stroke them to the point of annoyance and are at their beck and call 24 hours a day. personally i prefer a good aim and a steady hand.
... or a shovel. Vermin!
Most people tolerate dogs but cats are usually loved or loathed.

They are cute and cuddly looking only to mask the fact that they are evil killers that manipulate humans to obtain comfort and food.

My cats say that this is all lies.
because they r lovely, and cuddly and we spend loads of time just playing with them and loving them. They catch on quick. lol
Don't listen to him wolf... wanna borrow my shovel?

I think that my two are black and white Scottish Wild Cats - if you don't feed them when they want to be fed they bite their human slave instead.

Because as everybody knows "Cats Rule the World".

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Kitty Cats

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