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i wish i had a job......

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stokemaveric | 13:00 Mon 06th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
where i could sit and post on here all day......


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Erm ... err ... aaah
So do I ???
Question Author
lol hi jj........btw i enjoyed your earlier joke lol
me too.

Go freelance and you can post as much like!

This will mean losing the company car and the company pension and paid holidays...

Actually... thinking about it...
I wouldn't mind taking over where Judith Chalmers left off....
Absolutely NM!!
I love my job........I chat to so many interesting people...
Hi, Stokey. Thank you ... x

Thinks about snags, and freelance.

Wonders whether to look for "proper" job?
Can today as I work Sats.....2moro back to the grindstone!
hey its hard being ab editor

Legend is late today !
''Wonders whether to look for "proper" job?''

I too wonder that occasionally... usually twice a year when a tax bill lands on the mat...
snags ... Yes !!
I just got a tax refund..........was only �86.00 but well chuffed

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i wish i had a job......

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