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The moon landing - 40 years on.

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10ClarionSt | 18:37 Mon 06th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
The 40th anniversary of the first moon landing is only two weeks away. Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon with Neil Armstrong. Now, my question is this: Is Buzz Aldrin the granddad of Buzz Lightyear?


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possibly Japanese space technology was based more around the development of satellite systems to create a multi billion pound industry that in the long term would fund more economically sustainable space exploration
Or ...

The Japanese know that it is STILL not possible to land on the Moon.

But ... in another 20 years ... it might be possible.
and. they're using the scientific information gleaned (and
shared) from NASA to make absolutely certain they can make their exploration a viable alternative option to life on earth, which if they had to start from scratch would be a million times more of a gamble to take on behalf of just one planet

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The moon landing - 40 years on.

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