My boyfriend just cannot seem to switch off at night, he is a runner and runs most evenings, ive tried running him a hot bath before he goes to bed etc, but he lays awake for ages, and he is a light sleeper. Generally at work he is always tired.
He got some nytol the other day and it didnt seem to do anything...has anyone got any tips or advice, he doesnt want to take prescribed sleeping pills through fear of gettin addicted!
Apparantly, when you do long distance running or cycling your body produces a substance (can't remember the name) which some runners come addicted to and why we sometimes see runners in the early hours of the morning. Your boyfriend might be creating this substance which is causing him this insomnia. Couldn't he go out running early morning?
well come off it! oldest trick in the book! afterwards let him roll off and he'll slump in a heap, a satisfied lump of man!and shouldnt be disturbed for roughly 8 hours.
then when it wakes feed it.
Gosh if i could get a woman to fulfil me like that it would be amazing!
and the stuff you were thinking earlier when you were agreeing with me about how to solve his problem means you ceriainly aint no lady.....which puts your right back into the category of chicks that I like!
Lil i did wonder if you were em satisfying your man cause there shouldnt be a problem if you are! god ive never stayed awake more than 5-10 seconds after "rolling off"
sorry dont know what to suggest, im fresh out of ideas!