On a visit to hospital yesterday my usual specialist nurse was unwell and I had to see a different nurse. To my dismay this was a nurse I saw at the beginning of my illness (rheumatoid arthritis) and she left me in severe pain so much so I couldn't remember when I was born and when I did see my consultant he wanted to know why I had been left in this state. I feel this person cost me my job and quality of life as I have deformed hands and feet and had I been given the care and referred to the consultant this may not have been so severe. Can someone tell me please if I can refuse to see this nurse again as my next appointment is with her.
Thank you for you help PeeBee. I think at the time inexperience was a factor but I still don't want to see her. But i should add the rest of the staff and my normal nurse are the best I could wish for. Thanks again x.