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time to go for a run

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joggerjayne | 19:34 Wed 08th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Got a bottle of dry white in the fridge for when I get back.




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It looks like it's a long run so I'll just have a quick shower then. Oooh lot's of nice smellies in here.
JJ's been a while... perhaps she's jogged to a chippy in the next County...

Somewhere she won't be recognised... where she can enjoy a Savaloy in peace...
with the amount of booze jayne drink she should be collapsed with dehydration!
Put like that Cazz we're doing Jayne a huge favour then....
From what I've heard jj doesn't have to pop out for a saveloy, she's got enough toys at home. Perhaps we should look for those. Whips, chains, fluffy handcuffs, thigh length boots in this cupboard.
Jan look fluffy hand cuffs and what on earth does she do with this?

Holds up 2009/07/old-skull-trepanation-medical-equiupme nt.jpg
I think, from the above picture, that our jj has be nicking instruments from sqad617's midwifery toolbox!
That looks a bit scary cath. Think we better scarper before jj gets back. It's more like a torture chamber in here. The brandy's run out anyway. Let's go down the pub instead.

I've had enough of this site anyway. So bloody slow!!
''Holds up''

Looks like some kind of 'drilling' implement :-o

Do they have oil down in Sussex?
Down the pub it is
Oil be doon t'pub in thoity minuets.
nay Stewey Squad probably left it there for future use.....
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I don't believe it ...

... were you all rummaging through my stuff while I was out?

Oh ... I have been back for a couple of hours, by the way, but I've had a bath and a drink.

Hey, hang on ... I'm sure there was more than that in this bottle when I went out !!! !!! !!!
Sorry jj, we meant to tidy up before we left and we'll repace the drink. We were going to wait for you but you were gone so long we decided to go down the pub. We'll pop in another time.
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Okay, fab ... x
well we knew had you been there you'd have said make yourself at home so we did..... lol

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Evidently, LOL ... x

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time to go for a run

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