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DT pprize xword 25978(Sat)

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chokkie | 08:03 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Feeling a bit groggy this morning (late night), am having difficulty thinking ... can someone help with a few clues, please.
1a taking part in oral examination (7) ????ing (is it "testing"?)
11a rocky inlet just starting to enter crossing place(5)
15a only small compartment for its driver (7) ??n???b
1d bar drunken tramp pinching pair of spectacles (7)
2d winning first prize for dredging pond (8,3,4)
??o??ing the ?o?l (is it "something the pool")
13d did not finish writing certificate (5) ???i?
25d protein coming from Zambia, East Indies and Norway (4) ?e?n)

and is 26a "go off the deep end"?

Thanks so very much.


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25 zein ?
2 scooping the pool ?
Question Author
cheers everyone, it's amazing how a couple of tips can help!
11 f j ord ?
15a Minicab

13d Scrip

1d Taproom
1a is TESTING, though I think it's a better clue for HEARING.
Sorry - better clue than I thought - TASTING
1a is TASTING, not testing

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DT pprize xword 25978(Sat)

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