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stewey | 21:37 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
...over in 'Science' has an interesting theory about the sun and the moon. You know what? I like it:)


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I prefer the moon and the stars in Romford stewey
I have replied sympathetically...
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I'll mention this theory, after a few beers, at the bar later on. Should get some interesting comments. Wot's a 'Romford'. knobby: some kind of car?
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It's known as the Numismatic Spatial Theory: one is the obverse side, and t'other is the reverse side.
Surely the 'sun' side would melt the 'moon side made of cheese'?
And the moon and the stars is a pub in Romford you furkin heathens
It's an interesting theory. I've often wondered if it's just a giant light.. one twang on the pull cord - it's the sun, give it another's the moon. Kind of an on/off switch.

I am bending towards Snaggers opinion on the matter tho. There could be considerable meltage happening on the cheese front.

''I've often wondered if it's just a giant light.''

Oh c'mon... 'lit from within'?

1) That's as daft as suggesting that the light is in fact, from 'another' source - possibly a giant star (yeah, right) - and is merely reflecting 'off' the Earth...

2) Everybody knows the Earth is flat... where would the bulbs fit?
Of course it's flat, this is just a board game for something much greater (in size) than ourselves.

Not sure if the Scalextric is as advanced as it could be, saying that, at least we're not suffering the 'fix the fuzzy bit on the bottom of the car' thing anymore. But anyway, have you ever played Sim City? :p
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''Of course it's flat, this is just a board game for something much greater (in size) than ourselves''

^ Deeeeeep...

Sadly the rest of your post makes absolutely no sense at all lol...
And no... never played The Sims...

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