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PeeBee1 | 16:48 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
ventriloquists like Keith Harris and Roger DeCourcey. What about Professor Stephen Hawking? I saw him on telly blathering on about galaxies for hours and I never saw his lips move once. Genius


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craft.....t1ts, knickers, bra, oral, you name it and it is up my street.

BUT...a thread solely making fun of a guy who has MND and taking the mickey out of him is not my scene..........I must be a bit odd eh?
quite agree sqad...I find the t!ts, knickers, bra, and oral totally offensive.....
Oh I forgot,
PeeBee can obviously talk without moving their lips!
Why,because they talk through their @rse of course! LOL
You're more than welcome DEN....

No offence intended :-)
Ah but where (if we do) do we draw the line on jokes that are bad taste?

Just this year alone we've had jokes on Goody, Jackson, Glitter, Swayze, Fawcett etc etc., Bad taste (IMHO) depends on just how personally the subject may be affecting you. For instance, when my dad was dying of cancer, a last of the summer wine episode concerning just that - very gentle innocous jokes mind - made me uncomfortable. I didn't complain though.
What happened to him Postdog to have all those fractured bones ? Last I heard was that he had been rushed into hospital with a particularly bad chest infection .
You didn't complain postdog because you have a sense of humour and probably realised that you felt uncomfortable because the subject related to you.

When my Dad was dying of cancer I didn't find such jokes funny but I could see why others did.
ummmm is right. I cringed when I saw this "joke" but maybe just because someone I care about has MND. (plus it's not as funny as Mr Veritas' comment!)

we all have subjects we're more sensitive about, and they'll all offend/upset someone. perhaps best to steer clear altogether?
pmsl at ummmms uncle story, funniest post i have seen in ages,

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