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What is the most embarrasing household problem?

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devilspawn | 23:25 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
My toilet when flushed was making an horrendous sound. Which stopped me from inviting guests into my house and having impromptu parties, so thus impinging on my social life....

My Daddy came and sorted all out :-)

Any now I flush well!

However I found it very very embarrassing whenever someone wanted to come over....

What is your worst household nightmate?


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there's nothing wrong with a lady having ferrets down her trousers.....although personally when going out mine tend to go up my sleeves. I'm surprised at snags going into devilspawns bathroom.........I've seen her bloody dog...think Hound of the Baskervilles
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Thanks... always nice to have something confirmed...
can't be doing with that.........night chaps xx
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glad you have it confirmed snags that you are filth!

Gnite Craft - though bet you turn up later... the night is young!

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What is the most embarrasing household problem?

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