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What to buy for my daughters 1st birthday?

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I Love Snow | 22:10 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
She got loads for christmas. Any ideas?


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a keep-sake kind of present? I got mine special collector's teddies for their 1st birthdays.
Nothing - if she's got loads of toys put the money away for her or wait until she's ready for something new and then buy it.

My two always get loads of presents, that this year is the first time we've actually bought our 4 year old a present on his birthday ,he's got a healthy savings account though.
Save the money as above, she's one she wont remember
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Hello I Love Snow , lovely to see you , gosh is your little baby coming up to her 1st birthday , xxx
why dont you just have a nice party with family and friends and take photo's ,put them in an album and give them to her later.
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What to buy for my daughters 1st birthday?

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