My 17 year old bichon as suspected lymphoma, i dont want a biopsy done as i think hes to old for this. The vet as put him on steroids, the only problem is hes getting me up two times a night for a drink and to pass water, because hes always slept on the bed i cant leave him on his own downstairs. Have you got any tips and ideas? Im beginning to really feel tired.
My dog had menengitus in february and my little one is on high doses of prednisalone, Its a night mare we had a dog flap installed in the end, we did put puppy training mats down for her to we on but she didn't like to as she thought it would be wrong,.... ours was on 3 tabs am and 3 tabs pm, it does help if you give the tabs (pm) quite early evening as she wont pee so much late at night....
Hes on 3 tabs. I give them to him at about 6.30pm because thats the time someone is more likely to be in and he has to have a regime of certain syrups the vet gave me to protect his stomach. Twenty five mins after steroids give zantac then fourty five mins later a white syrup, also do the steroids make them constipated?