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Tufty Club

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devilspawn | 23:23 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Anyone know if it is still going?

I dont have kids so I dont know - but would like to hear if it is still up and running

I still have the badge - along with my Puffin badge for books!

Never got a Blue Peter Badge cos my Mum never washed up so never got to make owt!!!!!


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Don't know but got my mum's Tufty Club badge somewhere - it's white with a squirrel wearing a blue jacket I think?
Why didn't you get your father to wash up then.....or do it yourself you lazy sod.....
I had a Robin badge, it was gold, i'm not dreaming it i definately did.
I would have killed to join the Tufty Club but my mum wouldn't waste the money on the postal order you had to send off with the form - I was truly devastated and totally sick with jealousy when my friends joined! I suppose I was about 6 at the time. I loved Tufty!
''Why didn't you get your father to wash up then.....or do it yourself you lazy sod''

pmsl... you sound just like my Mum...
I remember Robin comic it was on glossy paper not the rough stuff they printed the Beano on I think. Do you remember Mandy comic - it had an enormous `diamond ring' with the first issue?
I always wanted to collect Robinson's golly badges, like my mate Trevor did, but my mum said that their jam was too expensive :-(

So poverty forced our family to be 'politically correct', well before the phrase had even been invented!
Also 'Tufty' was the kids' nickname for me when I first started teaching.

Like kids everywhere, they assumed that their teacher didn't know about the nickname, so they were rather confused when I put a 'Welcome to the Tufty Club' sign on the door of my classroom ;-) do you know I'm not.....
'' do you know I'm not...''

Oh god... I suddenly feel a bit queezy... that means I've got the hots for my si... :-(
I used to work with a guy who was the spitting image of Tintin.....anyone remember him and Snowy?
Of course we remember TinTin, Craft. He's even got his own museum!
Thanks Chris....will email that to him - or to one of his colleagues in Spain...
has devilspawn bu88ered off then.....
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sorry craft - had some major sorting out to do on facebook!!!! yeah I know, but a lot of mates in dire straights - so sorted out meeting in bars to forget about woes!

Anyhow - dont remember Dad being around to do the washing up - sure i did it with a bit of muck from outsied and a worm every now and then.

Dad did the spag bol and mum did the american fried chicken

Ahhh good times :-)

Oh.. then all their friends came round and played with my intellivision (forerunner to playstation) and my car track game

i was sent to bed at 6.30 - even at the age of 11!!!! LOL!!!!

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