Sat 04/07/09
Question Author
Dabees you are nothing else than a troll on here and you know that and a lot of other people on here know that but there will always be the idiots on here that cant or do not want to see through you as you are like a sh1t of glass to see through on here to most people ............................................................ ..............Well debees,you and me are in good company,I like being a troll.Whats wrong with being a troll?
Sat 04/07/09
Question Author
Dabees you are nothing else than a troll on here and you know that and a lot of other people on here know that but there will always be the idiots on here that cant or do not want to see through you as you are like a sh1t of glass to see through on here to most people ............................................................ ..............Well debees,you and me are in good company,I like being a troll.Whats wrong with being a troll?
KK1 I am not a troll . Iv been an ab for 3 yrs as any body will testify