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Should be in 'Science' maybe, but

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stewey | 01:22 Sat 18th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Yo! how low can a yo-yo go? Is the height of the floor important, or does it depend upon the length of the attached string?


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Well now, stewey, I tell you what. This'll teach ya, maybe, fer askin' stupid questions when ya come stumblin' home from the pub, an' these here folks has got a five hour start on ya!
stewey - surely it depends on the length of the string.. lol - bet you never thought you'd get an asnwer!!
Question Author
Thanks, hippyhoppy. Now I can rest in peace.....oops, it wasn't that grave a question........G'night.
Hurrah!! three stars!!! bone fide member of Chatterbank!! lol ;-).. right I;m off back to bed... sweet dreams...
I think it's half the distance from the knot of the loop that you put your finger through to the knot on the axle of the yo-yo, doubled plus the diameter of your middle finger plus the diameter of the axle of the yo-yo. It's complicated - particularly when you take into consideration floor height.
floor height??
climatic conditions ?
You have to have a long floor but a short ceiling.

Everyone knows that!
climate, beejay, obviously another huge variable . With the material of the yo-yo expanding at a different rate to the string I think stewey was right to think his question should go in Science.

exactly MWB - what about the draft if the window's open and global positioning?

too many extraneous variables - I thin we'd need special software to calculate how low a yo-yo can go.
So. We need to know how low a yo-yo can go, no?

Though a yo-yo is slow & costs a lot of dough, it can glow shot out from a bow. Just ask, Joe, who's on the po!


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Should be in 'Science' maybe, but

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