sqad babes! Nail on the head!
For me wrong side of 50!!
What you said 100% on the paying option! Was in NI Civil Service over 25 years until heart attack!
Hubby still in service, & he pays into their Health thing - - a bit more complicated than the likes of BUPA etc, however, on Your advice, I will pursue the PRIVATE option!
Makes one sick to think, when worked all ones days until unable. Always paid NI and yet those around me never worked a day in their lives & I see what all is provided for them to make their lives bearable!! Fair play to them!!
Don't get me wrong, am, always will be a Socilist, but hey! where's my slice of the pie??
But sure, I've fought for others right all me life, so I'm not going to get bitter now!
Many thanks to you sqad, for your time out on me! X X X