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Due tomorrow!

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Picky | 11:25 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | Pregnancy
23 Answers
Hi all!

Well, it's the day before D day, can't believe it's gone so quickly! Went to the consultant yesterday who will induce me Monday if no arrival before then, but I am having movents today like I've never had before. Real shifting about, pushing down really low and lots of kicks really high. As I didn't go into labour naturally before (induction with Baby P at 13 days late), do you think this could be the start of things? No pain to speak of, just really uncomfortable.




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Hi all!

Baby Picky number 2 - Edward Daniel (Woody to his friends!) arrived on Monday via emergency c section weighing 10lb 11oz! Pushed for 7 hours but due to his size his would get through my pelvis, and the spinal didn't work either, so ended up having a general. But, despite all the drama and pain (ok agony!), he is totally worth it. Thanks to you for your support and good wishes

Many congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your big bouncing baby boy :)
well done i would of called him ben as in big ben though x

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