"when all of a sudden the two eldest sons .............lunged threw(sic) the window and began punching me."
"The only witnesses are myself, my daughters and my fiance."
"they both plead not guilty."
Re the first quote, there just has to be more to it than you've let on. What else happened to cause them to do what you claim? I've had wide experience of such matters and your version, shall we say, seems to be economical with all the facts.
Re the second quote, it's your word against theirs, so no guarantees of the two brothers being convicted simply on your word. They will undboubtedly give a totally different version of what happened and blame you for starting it. The previous history of bad blood between your families will be dragged up and each of you will try to use it to your advantage.
Re the third quote, unless they change their plea to guilty, which seems unlikely from what you've claimed, then at least you and your fiance will be required to get into the witness box in Court and swear to what you say happened. I don't know how old your kids are who were present, but they too may also be required to give evidence.
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear but it's what happens in the real world.