I've posted here too http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Family/Pregnanc y/Question783647.html but just to let you know, Edward Daniel (Woody) arrived Monday 20th July at 8.57am via emergency c section, weighing 10lb 11oz. Thanks for your comments through my pregnancy, I'm sure I'll be back on for advise looking after 2 little boys!
Congratulations PX on the safe arrival of your baby boy.!! and BOY what a weight.!! Thought he may have been a she being as it was so late in coming but then men are never on time are they.!lLOL
Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations Picky and welcome to the world Edward (a lovely name)
He is a hefty lad, the AB babies are all making my two seem tiny lol
I hope youre recovering well x