Is it possible to get chickenpox more than once? I googled but have read conflicting reports. I have come out in a rash of tiny itchy blisters that look just like the ones my daughters had when they were little. I have also had aches and pains and general cold symptoms for the last couple of days. The thing is I know for a fact I had chickenpox when I was 7 years old and I thought you could only have it once and then you became immune.
Thanks for the answers folks.
If I don't have chickenpox then I wonder what it is.My GP won't see me at the surgery in case I have swine flu so how do I get a diagnosis? lol
I've had it twice :( once at 5 then again at 11 an still got the scars ... R u itching? If so don't 4 get camomile lotion is excellent ... Sqad so glad ur sqad again :-)
I can't get hold of my doc till monday now so i'll phone again then.I doubt he'll prescribe me any Aciclovir though! He is one of those 'wait and see' type docs.