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really bad headache on the top of my head and bridge of my nose

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dot.haukes | 17:59 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
and paracetamol is not shifting it, shall I go and have a lie down or distract myself on here?


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so mrs sqad got all the bedside manner in your house sqad - do you return the favour at all ? have got to be joking....a give her pocket money, put a roof over her head....what more does she expect.........manners as well?
I always suspected your were one of the new breed of men sqad - just rememer in any relationship it's not who wears the pants that counts - it's who wears the skirt !
My migraines invariably make me vomit,once I have the head pain goes fairly
I have to lie down in a very dark,cool room to get any releif from the pain until then though :)

I am in the study with my foot raised and she has gone into her room to read. Cr@p on TV so I might have an early night....ooooh! just had a pain in my ankle..."Oi mrs sqad get me a glass of milk"....that's the way to treat them..LOL
How did you hurt your ankle Sqad ? did the au pair run away a bit too fast ........................(:o)
DEN...they run towards me .

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really bad headache on the top of my head and bridge of my nose

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