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Chilli's and ginger

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ummmm | 16:43 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
I sent Ginger to get some chilli's and ginger and he's come back with 2 packs of chilli's and the biggest piece of ginger he could find.

Can they be frozen?


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Ginger is fine frozen. I usually peel then freeze mine, then grate it frozen into the food i'm cooking.

Chilli's also fine frozen.
Question Author
Brilliant...thanks :-)
-- answer removed -- can freeze chillies...I just chuck the whole packet in the freezer.
Grate ginger then put into icecube trays......usually just the right amount for any recipe.
did you send him to the spar.......
Question Author
No, I sent him to the asian shop. He didn't know that you could snap a peice of ginger off so got the whole lot. Twonk :-)
De-seed the chillies, chop up & freeze. Wear rubber gloves when handling. nance/Question788037.html
i'm imaging the shop assistants face when he arrived at the counter with it :-)

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Chilli's and ginger

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