Pinky, I like to go with Gerry Anderson and give it its REAL name - STROKE City!! LOL
AM I Irish or British You ask? Neither!! My mothers father's people were German & Dutch Jews, her mother, born in Dublin they eventually came to Belfast when my Grandfather left the British Army after 25 years service.
My Father was from England!
As for this present day, I have cousins in Cork, Scotland, Liverpool & London, in Arnhem / Utrecth & Amsterdam in Holland, some in Aussie Land & I am the only one in Belfast as such - my husband is from here.
We spend our time between living here and in our home in Spain, - outside Malaga!
So work it out for yourself Pinky?? I Don't have an axe to grind with anyone. Family divid in 4 with regards to religion, Jew / Methodist / RC / COE - you can work it out for yourself which one I am - if any????!!!!!