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Jackson family ?

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pericat | 16:15 Tue 28th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Over the last few weeks I saw somewhere on computer about another Jackson brother or sister (think sister) who's not famous (not rebbie). I forgot where I saw it - does anyone know anything about this?


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yeah Maureen the eldest, she was born in 1950 according to wiki
his brother had a twin who died who was called Brandon, i heard him say that at the funeral
peri....get off the AB and get packed....LOL

Lucky Mr. peri.
here's a link to the answer, I don't ever remember knowing about the twin before, even years ago when they were all kids. d_Michael_Jackson_have_and_what_are_their_name s

but I knew about the rest.
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Sqad - all in my own good time. Maureen is rebbie dot and I knew about twin but somewhere it mentioned another?? It won't take me long to pack sqad,everything sorted. Fridge and freezer stocked for eldest. How u dot
Joe Jackson has a illegitimate daughter
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Do you know her name reefgal
Hi peri, her name is Joh Vonnie her mother worked for Joe Jackson.
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Thanks reefgal you've solved my query - that's the name I saw.

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Jackson family ?

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