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firewatch | 20:23 Thu 23rd Jul 2009 | Pregnancy
7 Answers
Need some help, i have been having cramps for the last couple of weeks (im about 10 weeks) its like period pains and a bit of tugging around my naval. This evening i have been getting a few shooting pains up into my chest, not severe and they dont last long. Any advise, I do get concerned because i had a miscarriage not so long ago, any advice?? I have found going for walks around work when they are bad can help.
Also any tips for the sickness?? Its driving me crackers and alot of women at work have twigged im pregnant becaus i have been sick a few times!
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Hi firewatch - it's probably your uterus stretching but you just need to be careful (I'm sure you're fine but it might be worth checking it out with a midwife - just to rule out the very slight chance of an ectopic pregnancy)

You have my full sympathy - I'm now 23+ wks but suffered really badly with morning sickness too. I tried the wrist bands (you can get them in a chemist and are usually used for motion sickness) n they helped a little. I don't know if it will work for you but I found those little yoghurt drinks with good bacteria really helped. Plus eating, a lot, helped settle my tum :-) Lots of people swear by ginger, peppermint tea or smelling a lemon - anything is worth a try! Look after yourself and keep in touch xx
You have my sympathy... I had 3 miscarriages before I gave birth to my healthy little girl 2 years ago.

What I would say is be very encouraged by the sickness! It's a great indicator that baby is doing well! When I miscarried, I lost the sickness totally.

Do get checked out, however.

I even bled when I was pregnant with my wee girl - so every pregnancy is different and the 'bad signs' are not always bad at all.

Keep well!
i've also been sufferning bad cramps i had to crawl from my livingroom to the bathroom tonight.

but i've been bothered with sickness and if i'm not sick i've got an upset belly or constipated. I'm putting the cramps down to that but i'm going to mention it to the doctors next time im in

i had awful sickness with my first pregnancy.

i tried those wrist bands but was put off them as i was sick an hour after putting them on!!!! lol

i found nothing worked for me and i'm finding with this prgnancy the thought of even trying pepermint tea, crackers or crystalised ginger is making me sick because i tried that much the last time
i have to agree with tequilamock. sickness is a good sign that everything is okay. i'm sure i remember someone saying that to me

i used to get that worried if a day went by and i wasn't sick.

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Im like carron at the mo, i look further along then i am due t being bloated, it so uncomfortble!!!
The cramps have eased up in the last couple of days just got awful trapped wind which makes it hurt sometimes.
With the sickness i have got into a rhythm, sounds odd but if i have a snack of acidic drink when i get home from work then it usually re-appears b4 tea, so i can eat in relative comfort.
when i was last pregnant the scan letter for roughly 12 weeks came through within days of me going to the doctor, but this one appears not to have arrived yet and i'm further along?Strange aint it??
So glad you're feeling a bit better. You can't help but worry about whats 'normal' eh?!
I ended up phoning our scan dept at 12 wks cos like you hadn't heard anything - my apt was for 13 wks - so not much notice. They were very nice and apologised for the delay in sending out my letter so am sure they won't mind you calling. Look after yourself xx
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hi, got my first midwifes app monday they are coming round to my place, so i need to keep my messy hubby in line!
scan should be next week, im getting quite a belly and its getting hard to disguise! Most likely bloating from Gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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