who is the artist!? in The AnswerBank: Music
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who is the artist!?

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sophj-26 | 11:28 Sat 01st Aug 2009 | Music
4 Answers
Radio 1 have often played a dance track called heartbeat. Its very catchy and has a woman singing. Its a new song but I cant find it anywhere! Dont think its entered the charts yet as its slightly an unknown artist.
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sophie ellis bexter.... heartbreak make me a dancer???
Is it Robyn- with every heartbeat?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2LXDQ3yFwU&fea ture=related
Not a new tune though.
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Thanks for your help. I have since found the artist, took me a while but I got there.

Shes called Nneka.

Thanx again
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her video if your interested. Very infectious song.

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who is the artist!?

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