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NoMercy | 22:00 Sun 02nd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
film you've ever seen, that was based on a true story?

And did the film have any personal significance for you?


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I saw that a couple of weeks ago, Sara. I cried when the young guy took the poor old fellow off and beat him...
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Snaggy bottom! Pleased to see you're feeling a bit better, (and vaguely relieved you're not house sitting actually).
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Have a good night then, Leg x
Off the top of my head,
I enjoyed the Tina Turner & Jackson stories.
there were many tearful moments.

At the end my friend said poor boy I said which one she said the boy german boy he shouldn't have died. I said what about all the others then? She said well they knew it was their fate - unbelievable - see her in a different light now
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I'm not bothering to go out now, Leg. If I did I'd have to take Alfie with me and he hates the fireworks.

Cath - those poor people didn't know their fates. They weren't told what was going to happen to them.
Oh... and Raging Bull...
Thanks China :-)
S'ok, mood you were in I thought you might do something silly if they did try and come back and you were there. At least the most damage you can do here is call me a bubble butt! :c)
NoM they weren't told by the authorities but they must have known as so many of the films and interviews I've seen with survivors say they knew what was going on.I guess the ones pulling out the bodies from the chambers talked.
whether they knew their fate or not, they had no control over what happened.
lol... lets stick to 'buns of steel' instead eh...
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Sachs - yes the Tina Turner film was eye-opening.

Cath - a lot of the victims were given bars of soap to take in with them, making them think they were just going for a shower..
I never knew that NoM - I know in the beginning they didn't suspect anything but towards the end it was different. I saw a guy being interviewed who said he'd been tipped off that the next day the hut his wife was in had been marked for the showers and he sneaked out to see her one last time.
I can get on board with that snaggy :c)
peter pan
The Diary of Anne Frank and Schindler's List were harrowing, knowing they were based on fact.

American Gangster would have been unbelievable if it hadn't been based on a true story.

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