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salmon fishfingers

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NoK | 22:14 Sun 02nd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
just binned them , bloody awful

what was the last thing you bought and binned


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wine hah bye
''salmon fishfingers''

Ooooh get you lol... that's what you get for trying to be posh...

What is wrong with Pollock?

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ha ha ha Legend.

No self respecting cat would eat those salmon fish fingers.

I know Sachs very kind.
Should have bought her from Thai's R Us - they are doing a BOGOF at the moment.
Postdog... shouldn't that be ''FOFOFF'' ;-)
Last night i binned some custard slices from Sainbury's....the custard was runny and had no flavour,and the icing tasted of chemicals......eeuuww...AND they were midget sized.
What exactly was wrong with the salmon fingers? As a salmon lover i thought they'd be great!
A) salmon shouldn't be covered in breadcrumbs

B) they didn't have the correct texture or taste of salmon
take them back pasta
then throw them at the manager
then demand a free bottle of your choice

woods 100 please lol
damn ziggy...where were you when I needed you??? I shoulda thought of that!! lol
some pots of jelly- tasted like chemicals
findus crispy pancakes- what has happened to them?, they used to be nice, now they have got no flavour
I like the advert for Salmon Fish Fingers though.
So do I ummmm, lol.

Not tempted to buy any though, mind you thinking about the last thing i bought and through away it had to egg-shells. how boring is that.
3 little triffles in a box,bogof' from tesco,cream tasted disgusting, so i binned the six,i decided to have a fruit scone and jam,but the jam had fluff on the top so that was binned as well,all in the one hour.
Well mine was green beans.....heated them up in the microwave and forgot about them. Found them 3 days later looking rather sad.

Dinner was nice regardless.....
I bought something in sainsburys that was meant to be a egg, potato and onion 'tapas' kind of thing....well it tasted like cardboard - all went in the bin and i just didnt have the heart to start cooking something else....

so much for trying something new :-((

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