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L0RD-KN0BBS | 21:53 Thu 06th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I be orf now then and see you mannana in another name.

Oh I iz crazy I iz


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try not to, it's been horrible reading that stuff tonight, try and ust get a decent name, keep it long enough to join in like a decent normal aber and then just be one of the crowd eh? Instead of making people feel sick to the stomach
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Dont work like that at the moment does it dot
have i missed a classic?
What a cnut...!!!

careful ummmm.....cnut is in my genealogy tree....
who says it doesn't work like that, that is exactly how it works, try not registering a name like you have, try being just normal, it's not that hard.
thanx ummmm

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