I have a small fig tree in my garden in a very large pot, this is year three, only had one very small fig last year none this year, I watered the whole garden yesterday and today when I got up abut 6.30am nearly all the leaves had turned yellow the stems almost white and had all dropped off, very few leaves still on the tree. Obiously I am not loooking after it very well but the rest of the small,garden is in fulllbloom and thriving.Advise appreciated. Dee
tip it out of the pot and check for vine weevil. Be careful as the beggars are nasty and can wreck most pots so tip the soil inot or onto something so that none of it escapes. Vine weeevil grubs are glistening white , they get browner ans the get older. If you find them, shake as much siol as you can out of the roots and check carefully for grubs. Put the lot ina bag and dispose of it outside your garden (not into the garden of an enemy either lol) Repot the fig into new earth and clean the pot thoroughly and treat the soil and all your other pots with provado vine weevil killer.
here's apage showing waht adult and grub vine weevils look like http://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/search/image s;_ylt=A1f4cfxrzH1Kv_QAf0lLBQx.?ei=UTF-8&p=vin e%20weevils&fr2=tab-web&fr=yessv