I have Windows XP and recently all the games I play on my computer crash after a few minutes, this happens with every game, and my hardware should definitely be able to handle the games.
Any Suggestions??
Not much to go on.
Have you updated your graphics driver recently or updated anything else or added new software or hardware.
When probs like this start suddenly they can usually be traced to an alteration just previous.
I have a similar problem.When any game is played the pc crashes and restarts.As best I can figure my problem is heat related as my hardware is more than capable of handling the games as they used to work fine !
You need to reboot the whole computer it has probably been coming across Trojans and Viruses after that you will have to
install the games you put on but it does work :) By the way the rebooting takes about 7 - 10 hours
llamatron was spot on, i've recently had the same problem and all i did to cure it was to move my tower about 6 inches away from the wall it was backed up against to give it breathing space.
Try to observe inside your PC if there is a leaking capacitor, If there is a leaking capacitor try to Replace that capacitor only if you are skilled electronic technician, if not try to bring it to some electronics shop.