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im going

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zzxxee | 15:28 Tue 11th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
see you in a few days need a bit of a break from here so im takeing my girls to some friends in wales for a bit of a mini holiday ta ta all xx


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Have a nice time x
Bye zzxxee, have a great time xxxx
I know my reply is a bit on the late side,but I hope you have a good time in wherever you are going in Wales,be it north south east west ,or even in the south west where I hail from.
I live in a county market town called Carmarthen.
The only thing my town does not have at the moment is a cinema.We did have one,but it's now being refurbished as a theatre...
But,there is one being constructed,which will take a while.
We just have to go further now to watch a cinema film.
Plus,the council has developed a new market.I still prefer the old one though which has been demolished.If you ever come down this far,it's worth having a look around.
Hope you have nice weather!!
See you soon again on AB.
have fun!
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hello imhotep im in tenby but all my family live in carmarthen my dad was born and bred there small world i have loads of family there as well xxx

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