Like cazzz and ummmm, my youngest son is autistic, and although I knew from an early age that something wasn't quite as it should be, we had to wait until he was older for paediatric tests to be done. As with Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, dyspraxia and so forth, these conditrions can be very difficult to diagnose, and even professionals are still pretty much in the dark about them, as one can overlap into another.
From a personal point of view, I have to agree with DaisyMae though. Irrespective of whether a child's been spoilt or not, if this little boy is displaying certain symptoms, then he needs encouragement and attention. His school will deal with anything more, as most primary facilities now incorporate an SEN teacher, whose job it is to oversee the welfare of any child who appears not to be "fitting in" to the educational pattern or has behavioural difficulties.