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Hello ! How are we all this evening ??

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Roughquest | 20:40 Wed 12th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Guess everyone is watching football ?


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I am watching the footy, ferdinand needs shooting
Hiya RQ....long time no see. How are things with you?
not bluddy tiptoeing thro tulips at the mo

Is Bex past it?
Question Author
Oh you know Ummmmmmm..overworked and underpaid's you ? Yes indeed long time no see.....
2 nill down, all English players are so lazy, esp Rio!
they are all over the place, shrek is almost playing in defence he has come back so far
Calm down dear.

Tits only a friendly.
I'm sound ;-)

Did I read that you got married? Could be someone else though.

not much just stressing about a few decisions I need to make

nothing unusual there.

bloody football - perhaps I'llput it on for once to feel the bond
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I am very well. Hope everyone is having a good time.
want to do anything other than watch football, but other half hogging the remote as usual so am on here instead, might have to kill him
don't do football, obscenly overpaid prima dona's should be made to play daily barefoot on a field of broken glass.
Question Author
Oh no no no, no marriage since ditched weirdo lol ! Sort of met someone else yonger than me lol ! Not sure what to do with him lol ! !
Hate football really...
Yeah I don't get why they get paid so much?

So they are famous and they kick a ball round a field for the country as a sport!

Whats the big deal?

Certainly doesn't deserve the money they get paid.
Nope, just back from salsa, eating toast. Didn't even know football was on.

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Hello ! How are we all this evening ??

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