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Yes once he had hit me and i managed to get out of my car and i called the police myself because my car was a wreck and both cars where blocking the road and to be honest i was in shock and didn't know what to do i wasn't sure if he was uninsured or drunk i just wanted them to come, but also an off duty police officer stopped as well. The police asked us both what happened, took details from me and the witness and the other driver and then arranged for my car to be recovered we were both breathalised. They said that we would have to deal with it through our insurance companies. They said that they have seen many accidents at this same spot and said i won't be last. I didn't need an ambulance but was advised to go to hospital anyway just to be on the safe side, my boyfriend came and picked me up and we went off to get checked out at hospital i had severe whiplash and bruises, and was given x rays and spent 5 hours in hospital, i spent a week off work, had 10 weeks of physio and still have the pain in my neck 5 months on. (I have put an accident claim in also)
I had a witness who straight away came over and said she saw it all, she said he just set off he tried to beat you and followed the car infront she was very helpful and stayed with me and because i am not familiar with insurance or claims and i am fully comp i called my insurance company for advice and was advised to claim on mine as a non fault accident and they are recovering it back from him, or trying to anyway.
I think i have included everything.